a) If you have never cooked crayfish when they are donated to the friary, follow Kerri's lead, play with them for a while in the sink before boiling them for an unspecified period in cajun spices. Give thanks at Evening Prayer that everyone loved them and no one was ill.
b) Crayfish are a fearsome adversary. Remain steadfast in faith. A good flick of the colander also helps.
d) Cucumber may not be eaten within the friary if it conforms to a normal cucumber shape.
e) St Francis opened the Gospels at random to find out the will of God. This does not work with Love Hearts.
a) It is impossible to take pictures of Michael and Lyndon eating packed lunches and keep them as friends when they see the resulting picture. Also, supervise the making of the sandwiches next time.
c) The big city is exciting, but far better to go to Sidmouth (c/o Waterloo Station btw).
a) Never invite Lord Chief Rabbi Sacks around to see what he has been put next to.
PART FOUR - Administration
PART FIVE - Animals
a) Always engage with the animals on a trip to the donkey sancturary. They will always make your life better, even if you feel like a small child whilst doing so.
b) Br Raymond has the same hairdresser as Albert Einstein. Please stroke the donkey rather than Br Andrew.
c) Become one with the animals by imitating their relationship with the Earth - also try not to get trodden on.
d) Unlike Br Damian, do not feed your clothing to the animals. They will not release you.
Peace and goodwill from Hilfield!